Saturday, June 18, 2016

C Program Code: Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal

C Program Code:

unsigned long convertToDecimal(char hex[]);
int main()
    char hex[9];// 8 characters for 32-bit Hexadecimal Number and one for '\0'.
    unsigned long decimalNumber;
    printf(" C Program to Convert Hexadecimal Number to Decimal Number \n");
    printf(" Enter 32-bit Hexadecimal Number : ");
    scanf("%s", hex);
    decimalNumber = convertToDecimal(hex);
    printf(" Decimal Number is %u  \n", decimalNumber);
    printf(" Press enter to continue... \n");
    return 0;
unsigned long convertToDecimal(char hex[])
    char *hexString;
    int length = 0;
    const int base = 16; // Base of Hexadecimal Number
    unsigned long decimalNumber = 0;
    int i;
    // Find length of Hexadecimal Number
    for (hexString = hex; *hexString != '\0'; hexString++)
    // Find Hexadecimal Number
    hexString = hex;
    for (i = 0; *hexString != '\0' && i < length; i++, hexString++)
        // Compare *hexString with ASCII values
        if (*hexString >= 48 && *hexString <= 57)   // is *hexString Between 0-9
            decimalNumber += (((int)(*hexString)) - 48) * pow(base, length - i - 1);
        else if ((*hexString >= 65 && *hexString <= 70))   // is *hexString Between A-F
            decimalNumber += (((int)(*hexString)) - 55) * pow(base, length - i - 1);
        else if (*hexString >= 97 && *hexString <= 102)   // is *hexString Between a-f
            decimalNumber += (((int)(*hexString)) - 87) * pow(base, length - i - 1);
            printf(" Invalid Hexadecimal Number \n");
            printf(" Press enter to continue... \n");
            return 0;
    return decimalNumber;

Convert Hexadecimal to Decimal C Output Screenshot